
red and gold

Monday, September 6, 2010

Moth Wars!

Six! Yells the voice in my head as I kill yet another one. Last night the tally was 32, the night before that it was 30.
I hate moths! Now that we've cleared that up...
The best way to get the little buggers is with the hose on my vacuum cleaner. There's no flailing around the room as you try to either swipe the elusive creatures out of the air with one hand (which I can do, by the way!), or slap you hands together in an attempt to smash the thing while it flutters unaware. You merely point and suck.
This war began about three years ago, and I learned that moth traps called 'Pantry Pest' are great at attracting and trapping moths. However, I've begun to wonder if they aren't too good at attracting them. Am I inviting a larger number of them indoors?
In the past few weeks, I've noticed a huge increase in the amount of them weaving through the air in my house. Not just in the kitchen anymore, but in the whole house including the garage!
The cupboards have been cleaned one at a time, but I can't get all of the little eggs that are laid in the nooks and crannies. So when evening rolls around, the war is on! I think the moths are hitchiking in bulk foods from WinCo. I hate to even say it because I love shopping there, but that seems to be how they are arriving in our house.
So, the options are: continue the war, which will definitely happen regardless; discontinue shopping at WinCo, which I cannot bring myself to do; or freeze everything from the bulk foods section after I bring it home. Hmmm. I vote option three at the moment.
Meanwhile, I'm back on duty!

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