
red and gold

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Really IS!

(A day for Labor, that is!)
Because we don't have family that lives close to us, we've been in the habit of inviting other people to share holidays and such with us. We usually end up having at least two pool parties during the summer. They are so much work, but the end result is getting to know a bunch of people on an informal basis (that is, other than a church setting.)
Today we had our first pool party of the year...pretty sad that we waited until September!
John worked like a dog on Saturday hauling trimmed limbs and garbage away, and bringing in two truckloads of bark. The yard looks great!
I made a general announcement in Relief Society yesterday, and then spent the day wondering if anyone was going to show up! I knew two families were coming for sure, but after everyone left, I sat down and counted: 42 people and about 10 families. Woo Hoo!
My feet are very tired after the shopping, cleaning and food prep. John is asleep on the couch after the running of errands for me and helping Ben buy a truck. (Yup, you read that right: Ben bought a truck today. He's got his bug up for sale on Craig's List and has had a few bites, but no buyers yet. John and he found a deal that they thought was too good to pass up...) He's always so good about cooking the meat and helping to clean up after the party is over.
Roxy is a lump. She spent the evening begging food off of everyone who fell for her 'poor puppy' routine. (That would be everyone but our family!) She can hardly move, she's so full of food.
These events always leave me thinking we should do them more often, but during the preparation, I wonder what in the world I've gotten myself into! Obviously, I've gotten myself into a lot of work and then fun! Wish I had pictures, but nope. I was too busy to take any. You'll have to take my word for it: a great time was had by all.

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