
red and gold

Thursday, May 6, 2010


During Spring Break, we were at a cabin in Utah with some friends. Savanah and I were laying on the floor one day just giggling together, and we started taking pictures of ourselves. I know that she (Savanah) and her friends have a great sense of how to aim the camera the get faces just right. I, unfortunately, don't have that same sense so it takes a bit for me to hit faces just right.
We were taking pictures of funny faces (yes, I'm going to publish one against my better judgement). After this one, Savanah told me that's the face I should use when I'm 'mothering' her. She's getting to the age that she doesn't want me to 'help' her with some things. I keep telling her that it's my job to mother her, and I can't stop after 13 years.
I am trying to relax a little and let her do for herself when she can. (Funny thing is, she wants the help when she's on the couch and doesn't want to get up. I'm usually dead-dog tired at those times!)
Okay, so here's the 'mothering ' face. It makes me laugh everytime I see it, and I thought I should let you see it too! Here's to faces!

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