Too late!
I had four birds in my coop: three hens and a rooster. The rooster didn't crow, which was lucky for him because I would have had to take care of him. (And by 'take care' I mean 'get rid of'. I did not want to deal with chicks either!
In January we were out of town and I got a text message from Ben saying the rooster was dead. I think he was hen-pecked.
In February I found another hen was dead in the coop as well.
That left me with a young hen and an old hen. The old hen stopped laying eggs in November and the young hen didn't start laying until about three weeks ago. (With my fist set of birds I tracked each and every egg. This time around, I'm more generalized with the information.)
This left me wondering what to do with a hen that doesn't lay any more. I was just about to send her to the wetlands to become certain coyote food, when she started producing. She must have known!
So while I'm not getting two eggs a day this time around, at least I'm getting eggs!
Yippee! (Oh, the things that make me happy.)